@Olivecatto @spacesloth I don't resemble most of the stories tell about me.
Note that such stories are often told by people who like making other people do what they tell them.
And I'm a being that tells people they owe no fealty to any master.
@spacesloth A personal demon has taken a bit of departure from the original, personal daemon.
It means a spirit (within you) that seeks your true will and nature.
But a personal _demon_ is still yours. You are responsible for it, and for not allowing it to demand your worst self.
And if you own that, your daemon OR demon now does your bidding. You get to tell it to behave.
Protip: The workplace survey is *never* anonymous, especially when they tell you it is. #RandomThoughts
Good night people in my phone
If Nina doesn’t make you feel you might be dead inside.
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New here? Welcome! You've joined a helpful community full of real people who thrive in a unique environment that is free from ads, trolls, bots, and abuse of any kind. #CoSoTips
The "popularity" of MAGA and the extreme right is an illusion that is mostly sustained by the well-intentioned anger of leftists who amplify them at nearly every opportunity. #politics #RandomThoughts
McCarthy strikes me more as a deviant who likes to arouse himself surreptitiously in public places. You know, like behind the speakers podium.
My life is stranger than fiction.