@ChrisAgne no. I’m now considered pre diabetic.
Good night people in my phone
@AskTheDevil I really would keep an eye on it. It’s made it so I am off my blood pressure and other meds. Its hard to get right now though so definitely wait until supply can pace demand
@AskTheDevil that’s a good way to put it.
@AskTheDevil oh for sure there’s so much stuff that the side effects are worse than the disease itself. This truly is a game changer. It’s a GLP and a GIP.
@AskTheDevil I usually do to. I’m glad I found this as well. I work but a pharmacy they are drug people that well take anything for any minor inconvenience and it’s sad to watch. And people that expect the med to do all them without making changes. It takes it all.
If Nina doesn’t make you feel you might be dead inside.
@AskTheDevil Right on. It’s a diabetic medication and I find it really effective
@AskTheDevil why?
@ToolPackinMama lol it is for sure
@ChrisAgne it’s amazing. I’ve been in it for a year. My A1C went from around 7.5 on Ozempic to 5. And I’ve lost 85 lbs. And I have less side effects. The random cravings for one food only are weird.
@th3j35t3r ugh! Wow!
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@kel @AskTheDevil not that I ever had plans too but note to self never ever stay in a Trump hotel. Two way mirrors are a thing.
@th3j35t3r 😂🤣 WTF am I looking at.
The "popularity" of MAGA and the extreme right is an illusion that is mostly sustained by the well-intentioned anger of leftists who amplify them at nearly every opportunity. #politics #RandomThoughts
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