The NY Post claimed in a story that George Soros was paying protesters at Columbia & other universities across the country through the Open Societies Foundation to the US Campaign For Palestinian Rights.
Just not true. It didn't happen.


There was another conspiracy theory that he was buying the protestors tents and that was why so many looked the same.
Also not true.


Because, "bought the cheapest one available" is obviously not as plausible as a shadowy global conspiracy. 🤣😂🤣

@OldDeckHand the idea that this might be a grass-roots operation by a lot of motivated people is clearly not one that the gabbling conspiracists can process. So it has to be a conspiracy funded by Bad Folks.

I've followed George Soros on X for years, and am very thankful that he is using some of that money he made for causes like fighting for democracy & against climate change these days.

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