Why, after all the algorithms, all the scientists, the years of research into shoving ads into our eyeballs, all the ways to get you to buy a product, in the green living hell has there not been an algorithm for "this guy has never clicked on an ad, he's always clicked on skip, maybe we should just leave him alone" and then stop inundating that guy with ads?

@dr_zooks: If they did that, advertisers wouldn't bother buying nearly as many ads. Their view, as has been for centuries in business, nobody's ever not a potential buyer; it's only not the right time.

@thedisasterautist @dr_zooks sounds like the JW and LDS folks when I asked to be black listed from their lists. They won’t because I might change my mind… 😩


@dr_zooks @thedisasterautist I’m looking for a dry cave somewhere remote. 🙃

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