Good morning groovy souls!
I'm feeling quite accomplished today. I ran almost 9 flat! Thats very close to 7 mph sustained for the whole hour of running.
It's the fastest I've ever been over time, and my sprint is even quicker. I was holding out at 8.5 for a couple minutes there, whittling down the seconds.
Somehow, I've found myself further down the path than I was at my peak in 2020.
The dawn always comes!
This is a total mood.
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Politics, Trump Show more
Politics, Trump Show more
Politics, Trump Show more
Politics, Trump Show more
Politics, Trump Show more
@stueytheround I have learned that all we have, truly, is this moment. Learning this I realized time is so much more precious then I ever realized. Yet our modern lives often push us to spend it recklessly
We destroy our peace, we gamble our solid now on ephemeralities, and we wonder why we are so tired, when often all we do is spend our now on what may or may not be
For all of its trouble, I am glad for the joys of this now. For the friendships I have, and that is a great treasure to hold
Good morning groovy souls!
There is much news today, and a lot of tension in the world. Please be gentle with yourselves, and give your heart the room you need to process, and deal.
I know in my own being there is often a drive to be in the know, but all of the knowing that can be achieved does not change my power over that which I cannot control. It can however poison my peace if I let it
It is ok to take time with the news. It is ok to give your self space to process
This moment is enough
@wolfwoman told me she missed me on Coso
I miss being here. There is an old cliche that absence makes the heart grow fonder. This is, at best, a half truth. Absence to long held, leads to distance. Absence due to apathy leads to the winter of a friendship
But absence born out of hectic days with attention back towards that horizon of connection will always bring a heart back home
What I miss about Coso is everyone of you. This vibrant and colorful community that brightens my days
Good afternoon, groovy souls!
This week has just flown by, but working a crazy amount of hours will do that. I crushed it at the gym this morning and ran an 8:54 mile, and averaged 9:30 over my 10k.
Feeling stoked and strong!
It's been raining so much I've begun to wonder if I'm going to get an invitation for a special cruise soon. The Rain is warmer here than it is in the PNW which is pretty cool.
Buddy continues to do better, they're sleeping more and needing me less!
Hello Coso Buddies!
I'm still working a lot here in Richmond, and my schedule is often full to bursting.
I'm truly missing my time here and all of you wonderful souls.
I'm crushing it at the gym lately. Running sub 10, back to doing a 10k in an hour flat.
I'm feeling good about the progress I'm making there and here. Service is the path, but somedays get a touch long.
Focusing hard on self care. I'll be back home in about a month and I've got a new tattoo to look forward to on the 23rd!
Good morning groovy souls!
I am back from the Gym, my last session for the week, and saw it through.
It was a tough workout, but a good one, and I was eager to get going on my way there.
The best news is that my buddy is finally sleeping through the night, and they are getting their appetite back!
The dawn always comes!
Novelist. Rebecca Mickley on Amazon.
43.Open to DMs. Therian Hare, feral wilderness cryptid aspiring to build a monastic heathen life. Hail Eostre! AMA.