@CinnamonGirlE @amarand brightest days to you!
@amarand oh that brings memories
Good morning groovy souls!
I’m improving by the day and by the week at the gym. I’m pushing to 8 miles each day and this morning I ran my fastest single mile ever, fastest 5k and fastest 10k. I went all out. My last mile was timed at 8:19 and my overall pace was sub 9.
I’m at a level I’ve never been before and it’s bewildering. Suddenly I’m here and yeah I’m tired and there’s a lot going on in my life but I’m reaching new heights. Determination and discipline yields results.
@yadayadayada What a wonderful kindness to share that with all of us ^_^
@yadayadayada C'est magnifique!
So yesterday was a 21 hour day of moving and packing, for my other friend that lives in this area who just moved into his first home. He closed the mortgage just a few weeks ago, and as lawyer buddy has done better, I've been basing out of here.
Today I'm trying to just recover, and have a bit of quiet and time to myself. It's been so much lately.
I'm within two weeks of going home and while I am happy to be of service, it feels like its time.
@FireMonkey Service is the path. I want to be there for my friends, and everyone I can be really.
I trust the Gods that they will put me where I need to be to do the best I can for people.
I've spent the last 20 years wandering about like this ^_^
Hello Groovy souls!
I'm still alive but my Gods have I been working hard. I've been pulling up to 20 hour days. I'm taking my buddy to her court dates, keeping house, assisting in her recovery, taking her to appointments, doing the shopping.
I'm getting time in the morning to meditate and workout, but even that is requiring a lot of focus and planning to achieve.
I'm almost done though and I'm ok. This mission, as I call them, has been among the most intense I've ever undertaken.
@ps9714 can’t argue with that!
@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN We definitely need some kind of reform to the rent and housing system, but I don't think a simple cap is going to do it.
@amarand That's true as well, but I see that less. I'm ok with a physical edition costing more because it has production costs. Digital it's just pulling it off a server.
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@ps9714 I am intrigued by ice baths, and when I'm not traveling try to take cold showers at least a few days a week.
Pump up the dopamine and all of that. ^_^
I also "Navy shower" but that's just because I want to treat the water I have with respect. No matter how much of it we seem to have, it's still a limited and precious resource.
I've had to learn through injury to let the body recover. My Sunday rest days have become their own kind of treasure.
Novelist. Rebecca Mickley on Amazon.
43.Open to DMs. Therian Hare, feral wilderness cryptid aspiring to build a monastic heathen life. Hail Eostre! AMA.