@feloneouscat that empty cowboy hat said, the Nation never healed from the assassination of Robert F Kennedy Jr, today and I stress the Junior part.
@Bix Fuck Around Freeway, remain in this lane for Find Out exit.
@grrlscientist but is it textbook NPD or is it textbook FTD? A third possibility is tertiary Neuro syphilis? He needs a thorough differential workup. And Dr Feelgood isn't qualified to do the job.
@th3j35t3r I've always heard that it was 7 seconds, and that's why the punk band called themselves that?
@th3j35t3r I think I might have read that dude's stuff before on the interwebs.
@th3j35t3r yet another weird avenue of anti-Ukrainian sentiment amongst MAGA, AMCHAM UA is planning a crypto trading hub in Kyiv but their Orange god tried to blackmail Zelenski and was rebuffed so they hate a crypto trading hub. You couldn't write a tighter fiction script.
@CanisVeritum my impression exactly.
@TemporaryTraveler Shit, that's a real indictment of Trumpism.
@Vanitas being pressured to drop out over weird and dangerous made up stories?
@Vanitas because there's 46M bots.
@th3j35t3r and why do Republicans keep taking shots at him?
@peeppeepcircus if some hothead gets worked up into a froth and hurts someone, it's not my fault, I'm just making up inflammatory shit.
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@kendonnelly it would be the Trump cult's ultimate master race specimen?