@MrsBentoBako been there. It sucks but it's educational. My solution was to completely cut ties and burn bridges and move on. It's hard but it helps.
Hang in there.
Hardest part is the people are family. I’ve always known they resented me, I was always ganged up on when I was younger, picked on, teased for being a “baby” because they would make me cry. But after today, I have irrefutable evidence that they have tolerated me for the last 22 years. I was already going to cut ties and go low contact after my mom’s estate is settled, but now I’m going no contact. They won’t miss me. They never have two shots about me before. I shouldn’t be surprised.
@MrsBentoBako snuggle with your dogs, I promise they will help you. Mine do, everytime I'm upset. In fact your dogs will always be more loyal to you, more loving and understanding than any being on earth. They are sentient. So start with your dogs. Breathe slowly and deeply, center yourself on your dogs. Even if they're scared now, they'll eventually come to you and give you affection.
Start there.