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I had no clue this tree had a name. I commented to hubs on the way to Key West, crossing Seven Mile Bridge, about the tree growing on the other bridge.

What transpired to necessitate this?

Sticker located on top of mini fridge in hotel room. In front of microwave. Yes, microwave has plugs in it. Not certain sticker is for them.

The FBI and the US Coast Guard are leading a federal criminal investigation into the deadly Baltimore bridge collapse.

Made it to Miami. Had a stop in Hialeah to pick up an Amazon package. Hit the Keyes tomorrow. Have a drink in Mom’s honor. Head home Sunday.
I might make it back for my dentist appointment on Thursday. 🤣🤣🤣

Stopped in Orlando, so I HAD to visit the biggest McDonald’s. Got a McPhillie and McPasta, because, reasons. I could. Doggos got chickie nuggies because they have put up with me for over 2000 miles. Hanging out in hotel rooms and all. Spending hours in the car. Being the bestest bois ever. We have one more leg to Miami tomorrow. Then a day trip to the Keyes from there. Spending 2 days in Miami. Then racing back home so I can go to the dentist on Thursday. 🙄

Don’t tell me that FB isn’t tracking my location, even with my locations turned off.

Sitting in my hotel room in Lake Charles. Contemplating if I’m moving on to Pensacola.

I got cloud cover during totality.

Here is the surrounding area

Shout out to the Dollar general/Family Dollar for letting us set up in their parking lot.

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