Hive mind.

My neighbor is going to move my car next Friday. They volunteered to do it for me. They ran off to the hospital to be induced today.

What do I do for them when I get back in 2 weeks time?

I need to repay them somehow. I never asked for this kindness.

I will of course ask if I can prepare meals, entertain the young one, or what ever else they need.



Any one of the following were extremely appreciated postpartum:

Already cooked food that's easy to heat and eat (include reheating directions)

Gift cards to local restaurants that deliver

The following I'd ask about, but I loved:

An experienced babysitter for a day so the parent(s) can nap or have alone time while someone is watching the baby a room away

A cleaning session - due to the urge to clean before they come to clean & you don't want to have to give them more work 😂


Oh, and our neighbor cut our lawn, which was also super appreciated!

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