I wonder how many times Trump's grave is gonna get wrekt lol
@MrGoat I bet there will be a line for shitting on his grave. When they try to crack down on it, it’ll become a rite of passage to sneak in bags of shit to dump it on his grave. They’ll try to keep it clean for a few months and then give up when it becomes too cost-prohibitive. It will become permanently shellacked in shit until eventually it becomes a mound and the earth heals over it.
@Helena_Handbasket @MrGoat . It will become a toxic waste site.
@MrGoat I literally was thinking about this last night.
People will pee on it.
I wonder where he will be buried? 🤔
@janallmac They be lucky I don't do anything cos I'm just gonna destroy it all. with fire. i will drill holes to the casket and pump in kerosene and boom boom
That would be entertaining.
Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer the medieval British approach of putting deceased heads on stakes in front of government buildings.
Well. Not really. But those guys were harsh with traitors!
He could be a urinal mummy.
A superfund site would be appropriate .
@MrGoat Should find out within a year I'd say.
@MrGoat I wonder if Trump will live long enough to make a Mussolini.
@ToruOkada doubt it.
I'll bet someone takes a shit on it.