Time travel return initiated. See you yesterday.

Pandora opened the box. Out came misery, out came death, out came sadness. All that remained in the box was Hope, but Pandora got that out with a scouring pad and was left with a perfectly good box.

Me, after being awakened from 500 years in suspended animation...

They say misery loves company, which is why I always drink until I see double.

I walked so much my dogs stopped barking and started biting.

From 1995. Perfect. No notes. Get me a porcelain deer and a wine cooler.


When people ask me where something is I tell them Earth. People like that.

Come on, there are over 100 billions planets in the Milky Way galaxy alone. I think 'Earth' is plenty specific.

Hallmark Earth Day cards. Oh, ffs.

This gag, all on it's own, is enough to get me to see this in the theaters. Twice.

Lou boosted

We have to keep the jury in a former president's criminal trial secret so the defendant doesn't order his supporters to literally murder them. This former president, who is also a proudly self admitted serial sexual assaulter and was found liable for rape, is also currently out on bail for other crimes and is under criminal indictment in four jurisdictions for nearly a hundred felonies.

He is also a current candidate for president of the United States.

Maybe it's just me. Kinda feels like it.


What is your one purpose in life?
To explode, of course!

Lou boosted

It is with regret I must inform you today is over.

Please place your chairs in an upright position and proceed to the nearest available day. Your baggage should be with you at all times. Do not leave it here - unattended baggage left behind will be ridiculed by a future you.

On behalf of our staff we hope you had a pleasant trip and look forward to you being a frequent passenger of future todays.

"Time Travel Initiated"
I didn't mind time traveling but I really wish it didn't take so damn long.

A male cardinal fish incubating eggs in its mouth. Up to 30% are accidentally swallowed & eaten.
Oops, I meant ...up to 30% are 'accidentally' swallowed & eaten.

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