Hello good friends and neighboreenos! Today we're having a bullet journal workshop / hangout at 12:30pm Central time.
DM me for the link if you'd like to join! No experience necessary.
"What is this SANITIZER thing about, anyways?"
CounterSocial takes your security very seriously. Sanitizer does two things:
1. It scrubs all posted links of potentially identifiable metadata. (If you wish to preserve it, add "nosanitize" anywhere in the post text.)
2. It scrubs all uploaded media of all metadata, including orientation. This is why your photos sometimes show up sideways.
@Kevin3NF mood.
Unlike elsewhere, CounterSocial isn't big on drama. If you see anyone who you consider to be disagreeable, you are encouraged to quietly make them disappear. You have three options:
1. Block. This person disappears, and they can't see you.
2. Mute. This person disappears, but they can still see you.
3. Soft Mute. This person disappears until they mention you.
People are like flavors. You won't like them all, and they won't all like you. Skip the drama. Use the tools. #CoSoTips
Having issues? It isn't just you. CounterSocial is currently experiencing a MASSIVE influx of new accounts.
We can't explain our sudden rise in popularity either. It's a total mystery. Utterly baffling, really. #CoSoTips
Today is The WIT Luncheon at #PASSDataCommunitySummit!!
We have an amazing panel..sign up now to attend..ballroom 6E,doors open at 12 30 pm for lunch..the panel is from 1-2 pm, plus a Q&A
If you'd like to join the SQL Community Discord, Slack or BOTH, check out the #PASSDataCommunitySummit "Connect" page! https://reg.passdatacommunitysummit.com/flow/redgate/summit2022/attendeeportal/login
@Osiris687 I know it.
Working on putting together a game night in Seattle for Thursday. I shan’t post it elsewhere, yet.
In a room of 40 people, plus the speaker and the sound guys? I’m the only one in a mask.
Y’all are ALL gonna get the Con Crud, at a minimum. And me too most likely. :(
ABC: Always Be Charging. #passsummit #passdatasummit
In @mrdenny’s precon on Azure Infrastructure. Great pace so far! #PASSsummit
The sessions I'm looking at...
Oh yeah, if y'all want to join our SQL Server Discord server, let me know! I'll send you the link. #sqlfamily
Remember: if you registered for the Donut Meetup, that's tonight! Check your email for the details. #sqlpass #PASSSummit #SQLFamily
I sure have missed y’all. #SQLfamily
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