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COSO is like that penny cup at the cash register...You can take if you need, you can give for others to take, but in the sharing, you build community.

That's how it's done peeps...

Think your computer isn't following your shite, immediately after I was talking about tomato plants here and hydroponic stuff, this shows up in my inbox...

With 7.8 billion people crowding the planet — clear-cutting forests for agriculture and development, infiltrating previously protected ecosystems and destroying Earth’s natural protective barriers — it would be naive to expect that things will get better on their own.

Earth, after all, is a living organism fighting for her life — and we humans are her pandemic.

Kathleen Parker in WaPo, when we truly look at climate change, individual governments won't solve it, only a global govt. will, and we don't have one...

No environmental problem is strictly local, as NASA satellites showing a toxic cloud from China headed for the California coast confirmed. A dream team to hammer out such an accord would consist of natural scientists, hydrogeologists, geologists and oceanographers, among others, to the exclusion of politicians.

It's a sign of the times
That your love for me is getting so much stronger
It's a sign of the times
And I know that I won't have to wait much longer
You've changed a lot somehow from the one I used to know

Morning Nauts

Ken-Dogger: Hey Chuckie, what’s up?

Chuckie: I’m not coming out.

KD: What’s going on? You scared?

C: I am, there’s some crazy shite going on all around.

KD: And you think staying there will help you deal with this?

C: This is how I cope, it’s the best I can do.

KD: But you’re not overcoming your fears, you’re giving in to them.

C: We all start at certain points…

KD: And we all have work to do.

Paul Krugman closed his newsletter with this today...

The fact of the matter is that we’re now struggling over where there’s even such a thing as objective truth. And staying out of politics is no longer an option for anyone.

2020...There is no sideline.

The substitute bill brought to the Senate floor by Mitch McConnell last week, which failed to get the necessary 60 votes, did not include a dime to help unemployed workers and their families with health coverage.

What’s even more scandalous is that Republicans keep escaping political accountability for blocking corona relief. Joe Biden needs to be making a major issue of this, and every Democrat running for the House or Senate should be hanging it around the Republicans’ neck.

Out-of-work people are often not quite poor enough for Medicaid, and even the low-cost "bronze" plans available under the Affordable Care Act are far from affordable once you factor in high deductibles and co-pays.

This is a major scandal. However, the bigger scandal is the fact that the HEROES Act, passed by the House in May, pays the total cost of allowing laid-off workers to keep their employer coverage, but Republicans keep blocking its enactment.

Robert Kuttner on Heroes Act stalls...

Lost Health Insurance Should Be a Front-Page Political Issue
According to the Economic Policy Institute, upward of six million workers have lost employer-provided health insurance since the pandemic began. Since most workers have families, the total number of people who’ve lost coverage likely exceeds double that, or more than 12 million.

A pandemic, needless to say, is a hell of a time for people to be without health insurance.

Biden has now developed a unifying theme that covers the pandemic, the economy, violence and climate change, namely that “we are not safe in Donald Trump’s America.” So long as Trump keeps endangering Americans — holding mass rallies that risk infecting and spreading the virus, ignoring climate science, rolling back air-quality regulations — he helps to make Biden’s case.

Continuing to make the case for his own unfitness...let Trump be Trump

It may be more effective for Democrats to focus on the consequences of climate change, something that may resonate even with Republicans who bristle at “climate change" but acknowledge “rising tides.” “If you give a climate arsonist four more years in the White House, why would anyone be surprised if more of America is ablaze?” Biden said, underscoring his argument that the real risk is keeping Trump in office.

Jen Rubin on Trump's continued climate denialism...

President Trump on Monday, demonstrating his willful ignorance and disdain for science, blamed the fires on exploding trees. When told that he was wrong to assert that the climate will cool off, he retorted, “I don’t think science knows.” It would be hilarious if it were not so tragic and if the consequences of his — and an entire party’s — climate change denial were not so deadly.

the covid-19 pandemic, the economic meltdown, the protests over systemic racism — dominating the headlines and buffeting our lives. But the urgent cannot be allowed to obscure the existential.

Eugene Robinson in WaPo on the clear choice in November...

America, and the world, desperately need a president of the United States who fully acknowledges the crisis and chooses to address it. A vote for Trump is a vote for ignorance and environmental ruin. A vote for Biden, who has pledged to rejoin the Paris agreement immediately if he is elected, is a vote for Planet Earth.

I understand it is difficult to focus on a slow-moving crisis such as climate change with so many immediate crises —

“It is hard to identify a single point of progress concerning Israeli-Palestinian peace that is the result of U.S. intervention,” noted Grace Wermenbol of the Middle East Institute. “Trump’s preternatural, pro-Israel policy has alienated the Palestinian Authority and challenged the U.S.' ability to act as an impartial mediator. Beyond a clear diplomatic re-evaluation of the Palestinian cause, the UAE’s normalization of ties with Israel is unlikely to offer much more.”

“The UAE-Israel strategic relationship was fueled by mutual fears of Iran and formalized by the United States,” Karim Sadjadpour, a Middle East analyst at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, told my colleagues. “It’s an example of Trump slapping his name on a hotel that was essentially already built.”

Ishaan Tharoor in Today's Worldview Newsletter on ME deals...

The two big deals trumpeted by the White House this month are not the victories for “peace” that Trump claims they are. Start with the main event this week: Both the UAE and Bahrain already communicate and engage with Israel, and the three countries were not locked in anything close to conflict.

which was intended to help prevent an economic collapse. After the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced a national eviction moratorium on September 1, the same landlords have initiated at least 494 legal actions for eviction.

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