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GOP Campaign Depravity...

Yet Trump and his propagandists want Americans to believe that Biden is the extremist in this debate, and that those protesting continued systemic racism and deadly state violence against African Americans are, in some fundamental sense, radical and trying to bring about civil collapse.

Okay, this puts a whole new spin on things...Holy VAGI, BATMAN

Later Peeps, bike time and then get the Mikster's coffee so we can get this move on...

Enjoy your day.

At the same time, policies to protect the most needy, provide liquidity to prevent unnecessary bankruptcies, and maintain links between workers and their firms are essential to ensuring a quick restart when the time comes.

The short-run priorities have been clear since the beginning of the crisis. Most obviously, the health emergency must be addressed (such as by ensuring adequate supplies of personal protective equipment and hospital capacity), because there can be no economic recovery until the virus is contained.

Because machines cannot be infected by the virus, they will look relatively more attractive to employers, particularly in the contracting sectors that use relatively more unskilled labor. And, because low-income people must spend a larger share of their income on basic goods than those at the top, any automation-driven increase in inequality will be contractionary.

At the same time, microeconomics tells us that the virus acts like a tax on activities involving close human contact. As such, it will continue to drive large changes in consumption and production patterns, which in turn will bring about a broader structural transformation.

Moreover, in the case of the pandemic, there will be a third effect: rising inequality.

Joseph Stiglitz, in Project Syndicate, on the COVID-19 economy...

The current economic outlook can be viewed on two levels. Macroeconomics tells us that spending will fall, owing to households’ and firms’ weakened balance sheets, a rash of bankruptcies that will destroy organizational and informational capital, and strong precautionary behavior induced by uncertainty about the course of the pandemic and the policy responses to it.

HEADS UP...To COSO Peeps and fans, from now through the end of July, both Pups and I will be on sporadically.

Must absolutely focus on helping the Mikster as we're in final week of packing the house and prepping for the move West. We leave on 15th for Utah and will get there somewhere around the 26th after avoiding the RONA across America.

Who knows, next time you see me it might be Pups, LDS version...

Okay, I doubt that last one, but you never know...

What COVID-19 fed data reveals...

Latino and African-American residents of the United States have been three times as likely to become infected as their white neighbors, according to the new data, which provides detailed characteristics of 640,000 infections detected in nearly 1,000 U.S. counties. And Black and Latino people have been nearly twice as likely to die from the virus as white people, the data shows.

Hugh Hewitt, that grandiose mother fucker on WaPo staff, says' he's voting for Trump, then he lays out all of what Trump would do as opposed to Biden. He paints Biden as 'raping' America but hey, it's the mother fucker Hugh...

and then he closes with this...

That’s a fair statement of the expectations of both coalitions on this weekend celebrating our shared freedoms. They should begin debating their visions across a stage, facilitated by fair moderators, soon.

But company officials said in a statement that other recent federal court rulings have heightened the litigation risk, extended the project’s timeline and further ballooned the cost of the project, which has already risen from an estimated $5 billion in 2014 to $8 billion today.

(some times, you just need to wait out the SOBs)

Energy companies abandon plans for long-delayed, controversial Atlantic Coast Pipeline, citing cost and regulatory uncertainties
The 600-mile natural gas pipeline, which would have traversed the Appalachian Trail, drew national attention — and opposition — from environmentalists. Dominion Energy and Duke Energy spent years fighting regulatory battles that went all the way to the Supreme Court, which ruled favorably for the companies last month.

Ultimately, no single industry can get at the root causes of racial inequality. But collectively, banks and all corporations must use their outsize power to end systemic racism, move the nation toward racial and economic equity and drive significant change in policy.

That requires more than taking a knee. It demands taking a stand.

Inevitably, the industry will assert that laws, regulations or shareholders prevent taking these steps. But legal obstacles have not stopped banks from pursuing bold, sometimes risky, strategies in the past. They use their mighty skills, money and influence to make a way when they believe profits and benefits await.

Now the industry must make a down payment on a secure future for black America, which really is a secure future for America.

NYT piece on starting with the Banks to gain Racial Justice, after all, the Banks and Real Estate agents kept Black Americans in a down position...

Moreover, the wealth gap hurts the nation’s economy. McKinsey & Company calculates that closing the black-white wealth gap could increase G.D.P. by 4 percent to 6 percent, or more than $1 trillion, by 2028.

But there is hope here, too: Trump is acting like a frightened man who realizes that if his opponents keep their heads and avoid rising to his bait, his days are numbered.

It is all, he says, part of a “left-wing cultural revolution . . . designed to overthrow the American Revolution.”

It’s true that Trump’s Independence weekend escapades mean we face months of being led by someone so desperate to avoid defeat that he will warp our history, shatter what little unity we have left, and leave it to others to clear the wreckage.

EJ Dionne in WaPo on Trump's race war, all he has left...

Trump’s vile speeches at Mount Rushmore on Friday and at the White House on the Fourth of July signal that he sees one and only one possible path to victory: He will tear an already riven nation to pieces.

He will use the classic methods of racist politicians to tie a resurgent movement for racial equality to “a wave of violent crime” and efforts to “destroy” our “very civilization.”

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