Stat: Gen Z knows what it wants from its onscreen entertainment, and it’s less sex. A recent UCLA survey found 47.5% of people age 13–24 think sex isn’t needed to move the plot along in most movies and TV shows, and 51.5% reported that they wanted more content focused on friendships rather than romantic relationships.
@Madken65 I’m with Gen Z!
@Madken65 this is interesting but I view this less about wanting less sex and more about the wish for meaningful friendships and relationships.
Everything right now is so commodified and transactional that having a crew has to feel like this unobtainable goal, especially after the COVID lockdowns ruined the formative years of those relationships.
Sex is literally everywhere and behind every corner, but something authentic? Many find that elusive enough that only onscreen can fill that void.
Meanwhile, 39% said they’d like to see more asexual or aromantic characters represented. They may be over romance in real life too: In a separate survey from January, 44% of Gen Z agreed “I would rather clean the toilet than go on another online date.”
S: Morning Brew