
Churches give more than spirituality to their congregants, they also seem to be giving them the RONA...

When weighing his responsibility as a faith leader, Mr. Satterwhite said, he returned to his beliefs. “My personal belief is, I have faith in God,” he said. “If God wants me to get Covid, I’ll get Covid. And if God doesn’t want me to get Covid, I won’t.”


@Madken65 As a Christian (most days😁) these Churches anger me. God only helps those who help themselves & who show others love.

Faith does not grant immunity from COVID; God's words, for believers, are to do what needs doing IN ADDITION TO having faith.

Even the Bible talks about quarantines & avoiding spread of disease(Leviticus for one).

imo, using the Bible to defy the law...well,...those same folks using it this way, will be the first to 'go'. You can obey the law & be a Christian

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