Three times in my life, a fellow has deigned to watch a beloved older film for the first time - and not because anyone forced them to! - then come to me with the words "Actually, it's not nearly as good as it's made out to be" before proceeding to try to tell me why it's no good, for no darned reason.
Not the same dude, mind you!
But reader, the films for which this has happened are:
Blade Runner (non-voice-over cut)
And just now?
Road House ('89)
So you can understand my reaction. 🙃
You have good taste in films. Alien is always in my top 20. The other two are deeply beloved, too.
I have a lot of film crit friends, including active profs, and my experience is the same. A thoughtful critic recognizes any artistic object as an invitation to a wide range of topics, and answers it as such.