"That smells really good!"
"It's only onions and bacon right now."
"Still smells good."
As a former owner of geese, let me just say that there is a reason why getting your butt pinched is called being goosed. 😏
I am going to save you from yourself. You do not want a pet goose. You do not need a pet goose. A pet goose will bring you nothing but trouble and does not belong in an apartment setting. This is an impulse of the moment. Just because a market is selling them does not make it a logical choice. Also, goose shit. And goose noise. And more goose shit. You will be chained to your apartment. You won't be able to travel because who in their right mind would babysit a goose for you?
Look, I'm at that level of antihistamine daze where French makes sense as a language, so I'm watching #Furies on Netflix. I will probably hate it. And yet, it is the right kind of distracting.
If you're looking for an editor this summer, my next opening is in August. I'd love to work with you!
Not every editor edits like this. Not every author wants that. But I grew up in the House Of Why and I believe in explaining why we're making changes instead of leaving the writer to guess.
With clients I've worked with before there's usually fewer notes in a Line Edit because I can leave a reminder of what they already know. With a new client whose background I don't know, I'm going to explain why I recommend a change the first time.
Pre-order ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS A CRYPTID! -Live From Seoul - Ehlers-Danlos Spoonie - Rroma - Rep'd by Cherry Weiner Literary - She/Her/Your Worship