Friend: If you posed these clothes and took good pictures of them you could make some money off selling them. They're cute!
Me: My ADHD would leave them in the closet for the next decade. Giving them away makes them gone now and requires zero effort.
Rewatching #JoyOfLife counts as research, right?
Most of a good query reads like the back of a genre book. It's ad copy plus stats.
Dear Agent,
Blurb (Back of Cover Blurb)
Stats (TITLE is xx,xxx number of words and Category like Comp Title 1 and Comp Title 2)
Okay, Boomers... I come from a military family background. Grandpa, dad, uncles - they all served. And retirement was what you did after twenty years in the service. Most went on to work another 20-30 years in another field and retire again.
Please explain to me what I'm missing and why you see being considered retirement age is a slight. I've got some disconnect between lived experience and what you obviously feel about retirement.
Saying Boomers should be retired isn't about pushing them out or wishing them away.
It's acknowledging that, a century ago, they would have been allowed to relax after doing their time in the work place.
Boomers should not be required to work until they die. That's not what they signed up for.
@GlennS Saying you should be retired isn't about pushing you out. It's acknowledging that, a century ago, you would have been given your due and been allowed to relax after doing your time in the work place. You've worked hard. You should not be required to work until you die.
Pre-order ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS A CRYPTID! -Live From Seoul - Ehlers-Danlos Spoonie - Rroma - Rep'd by Cherry Weiner Literary - She/Her/Your Worship