I'm going to need someone to explain to me why forms in the US don't consider Spain European.
When they check a box the options are often:
- White/European Descent
- Hispanic/Mexican/Spanish Descent
- Black/African
- Mixed
Spain is in Europe.
I just... I still don't understand.
@LianaBrooks you know most Americans can’t locate all the states within the US, right? Asking them about other nations is just being setup for failure.
We had a President talk about “Nambia” after all.
@MookyTroubadour I'm remember in 6th grade taking Continent Quizzes where we had to label a map of each continent with countries and capitals. And I was in the state 49th in funding schools. So, yeah, this comes as a bit of a surprise. I thought we all got drilled in basic map labeling at some point.
Growing up I didn't think about it much, or I thought they were asking about languages.
But I filled out a profile for a medical survey from the USA the other day and it asked about ancestry and has European and Spanish as different options as if Spain isn't in Europe.