Okay, Boomers... I come from a military family background. Grandpa, dad, uncles - they all served. And retirement was what you did after twenty years in the service. Most went on to work another 20-30 years in another field and retire again.
Please explain to me what I'm missing and why you see being considered retirement age is a slight. I've got some disconnect between lived experience and what you obviously feel about retirement.
@MidnightRider I have teens, they leave me with no illusions.
And I started doing this (yes, originally on Twitter) because of headlines about Millennials when the articles talked about teens.
@LianaBrooks Kids thinking their parents aren't as smart as them probably goes back to cave drawings. An entire segment of society doggin another segment based on age and mannerism is quite a different thing but you aren't wrong, you did get a sample platter.