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Cooking day. Pre-Thanksgiving prep. Pumpkin pie (from a sugar pie pumpkin from our garden); apple pie (apples from our tree); rolls; fresh cranberries sauce; make ahead mashed potatoes (potatoes from our garden); and some dip for the appetizer tray. Rest is made tomorrow. Taking the dog for a short hike too...need to stretch the legs and breathe in some fresh air. Have a great Wednesday everyone.

Laura Lyon boosted

I will no longer be referring to them as Teslas but instead as “Twitty Twitty Bang Bangs.”

Laura Lyon boosted

Japan will provide with an emergency grant of generators and solar lanterns to alleviate its energy crisis

🇯🇵 🇺🇦

One of the reasons I like to host Thanksgiving dinner is that it forces me to do a deep clean of the house. I always keep things tidy - but not necessarily deep down clean. So today I am taking a firehose to the house.

The interior walls need a fresh coat of paint but a cleaning is all I have time for today. Seriously need to get at some painting projects though. I hate painting and have been procrastinating. (sigh)

Laura Lyon boosted
Laura Lyon boosted
Laura Lyon boosted

Wow ... just heard that Walker's campaign has asked Republicans to stop this deceptive fundraising practice: "At least four committees, one of them associated with former President Donald Trump, have kept 90% of contributions solicited for Senate GOP candidate Herschel Walker."

Laura Lyon boosted
Laura Lyon boosted

Clarence Thomas Again Moves To Block Jan. 6 Inquiry That Could Implicate His Wife

In an unsigned dissent, Clarence Thomas for the second time moved to block a key Jan. 6 inquiry.

Laura Lyon boosted

While cleaning up my replies to tweets I came across this tweet that should be memorialized on other platforms for immigrants like me.

Laura Lyon boosted

Someone has learned his lesson:

New GOP Congressman-elect George Santos doesn't seem all that eager for the Republican-led House to launch investigations.

"My constituents didn't send me here to waste time, they sent me here to work... I don’t want to engage in hyper-partisan issues, I want to deliver results"

Laura Lyon boosted

Documents show six nations spent more than $700,000 at Trump's DC hotel, a rare case of foreign governments spending money with a sitting president

Those of us that talk politics are asked to use the hashtag . Could people talking about religion do the same courtesy and use a hashtag like , so that those who are interested can find you and talk that topic with you, and those of us that really don't want to hear about it can filter it out?

Laura Lyon boosted

: Ukrainian defenders finally have a long-awaited meeting with their families after liberating the region.

Anyone else got sweaty eyeballs?

Hell of a day. My elderly Boxer (dog) has cancer and has been very ill the last several days. Got her to the pet urgent care today and thought it was "the last trip" for her. Lab results though indicate pancreatitis and a related liver flare up that likely is NOT related to her cancer and is treatable. I am exhausted but grateful that she is home and on her meds... and will be with us for yet a while longer before eventually having to make that last trip. Hugs your fur babies everyone.

Laura Lyon boosted
Laura Lyon boosted

Three huge differences between a 50-50 and 51-49 D majority:

1) Having a majority on each Committee versus power sharing/deadlocks requiring discharge petitions;

2) No single D Senator can hijack/block nominations; and

3) Ds can have *two* members absent and still hold votes.

-Steve Vladeck

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U.S. intelligence report says key gulf ally meddled in American politics

Laura Lyon boosted

Now, let's hold the House, and shove their Red Wave down their throats.

Laura Lyon boosted

BREAKING: The youth vote just delivered the Senate for Democrats.

64% of young voters in Nevada voted to re-elect Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto.

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Laura Lyon

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