
Hell of a day. My elderly Boxer (dog) has cancer and has been very ill the last several days. Got her to the pet urgent care today and thought it was "the last trip" for her. Lab results though indicate pancreatitis and a related liver flare up that likely is NOT related to her cancer and is treatable. I am exhausted but grateful that she is home and on her meds... and will be with us for yet a while longer before eventually having to make that last trip. Hugs your fur babies everyone.

@LauraLyon451 I'm glad your pupper is okay. Sucks when they get old :( She's lucky to have a loving family!

@LauraLyon451 - so glad it was something treatable and not that final visit. We have an older dog with cancer as well, so I can imagine the relief you must be feeling to have a bit more time together.

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