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Laura Lyon boosted
Laura Lyon boosted

Do you know who is trying to keep people from getting student debt relief? a conservative advocacy group called "Job Creators Network Foundation", founded by Bernie Marcus, a co-founder of Home Depot.

Laura Lyon boosted
Laura Lyon boosted

I like Stephanie Ruhle's advice to the GOP. "Realize that DJT is a loser. He won once in 2016, republicans lost in 2018 and he lost in 2020, and if you look at what happened in 2022, you link it directly back to Trumpism. Culture wars, that's trump, election denying, that's trump, limiting access to abortion, that's trump.

Laura Lyon boosted

CO-3 VOTERS - Check your ballot - you have 8 days to make a correction if it was rejected!

Check either:

If there is a problem you can take steps with Txt2Cure:

Laura Lyon boosted

Eli Lilly is not too happy about this phony tweet! Good luck, Elon!

Laura Lyon boosted

DOJ Press releases November 10th

Man Charged for Participation in LockBit Global Ransomware Campaign

So the Seahawks game on Sunday is in Germany (I really don' t know why the NFL does this to the teams) and that means to watch the game I must be prepared to be up and watching by 6:30 am my time. Oooffff... that is too early for wine or hard cider even by my own lax standards! LOL! But I WILL be watching - Go Hawks!

Laura Lyon boosted

Going to be dragging today. Late night pet emergency center trip because our cat was showing signs of a UTI or possible blockage. They triaged him (no blockage hurrah!) immediately, but were full up with critical care cases - so we had to wait for a call back to have him properly examined / labs. 24/7 facility - so the call to come in was at 3 am this morning. Ugh. But all is well and he is home and on meds. Follow up visit with regular vet team in 5 to 7 days.

Laura Lyon boosted

UPDATE - is now back online after 2 hours of unscheduled capacity upgrades, including a 10th server added to the cluster. Woot.

Laura Lyon boosted

Az SOS website has 99% of precincts reporting in and the numbers are pretty astonishing:

Laura Lyon boosted

Russia leaves Kherson.
Absolute Ukrainian triumph.

Laura Lyon boosted
Laura Lyon boosted

ugh, looks like it'll be a battle in Georgia for the marbles of senate.

Georgia is officially going to runoff.

Laura Lyon boosted
Laura Lyon boosted
Laura Lyon boosted
Laura Lyon boosted
Laura Lyon boosted
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Laura Lyon

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