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Laura Lyon boosted

Nebraska votes to raise the state’s minimum wage to $15 by 2026. The current minimum wage is $9. One-fifth of workers in the state will see their wages rise.

Laura Lyon boosted

BREAKING: Kentucky voters uphold abortion rights, defeating an amendment to the state constitution to ban abortion.

It's the second red state after Kansas to reject an abortion ban this year.

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Tim Ryan: "I have the privilege to concede this race to JD Vance, bc the way this country operates is that when you lose an election you concede. You respect the will of the people. We can't have a system where if you win it's a legitimate election & if you lose someone stole it"

Laura Lyon boosted

Republicans believed New Hampshire, Colorado, and Washington State senate races would be competitive.
Nope, nope, and nope.

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Laura Lyon boosted

Congrats to Patty Murray winning the Washington State Senate race!

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Lawrence O'Donnell: "Joe Biden is on the verge of being the most successful Democratic president in a midterm election that we have seen in quite some time."

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Laura Lyon boosted

The only seats Republicans have flipped so far are seats that they gerrymandered so they couldn't lose. They are underperforming virtually everywhere else. This is not going as the GOP hoped. The House can go either way—but this is not the red wave the GOP expected.

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According to the Courier Newsroom, in Wisconsin the youth vote is at 360% compared to 2018, the Black vote is at 123% compared to 2018, and the woman vote is at 137% compared to 2018.

I am loving it.

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Subtropical Storm Nicole moves toward Florida's east coast as the area is placed on hurricane watch.

The storm is expected to bring rain and strong winds to the northwestern Bahamas on Tuesday before moving to Florida's east coast by Wednesday night.

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Just finished setting up our voting precinct tables for tomorrow’s election - We’re READY!!! Now I’m praying I can get some sleep before my alarm clock goes off at 5:30am!

Find answers to YOUR VOTING QUESTIONS at:

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These carousel horses are nearly a century old. They are undergoing restoration for another generation of people to enjoy making memories. Somthing about them in this state really captures my imagination....maybe its the POTENTIAL they have being unfinished?

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Big day tomorrow. I voted today. Tomorrow I’ll spend the day taking others to the polls who otherwise couldn’t get there. Let’s get this done.

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Folks! Current early voter turnout for Democrats is surpassing expectations. We need to keep this energy up. Every vote counts. Tonight, we go LIVE with TargetSmart's Tom Bonier to discuss the latest Midterm Election data. Join us at 8p ET/5p PT here:

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Elon Musk declared himself as supporting the Republicans.

I don't care who he personally votes for but by declaring it publicly he has in effect said that Twitter will lean GOP.

Since it is now officially a biased site it is even harder to support it.

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2 days to go.
How are your feeling about the chances of our Democracy surviving? I am cautiously optimistic. Oklahoma hasn't been this close to flipping some races blue since I moved here.

Laura Lyon boosted

Fired 'Twitter Employee' Shows the Cringe-Worthy (unprofessional, immature) Email Sent to Cut Him Loose

It's damp and cold here and forecasted to get wetter and colder. Need to cook something with some heat (spice) later today for dinner to counter-balance it.

Laura Lyon boosted

PSA - Link previews have been disabled while I investigate an issue with pulling them from their external source.

Don't freak out.

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Laura Lyon

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