
It's Day TWO of the

My assigned theme (thank you @Kurtroedeger ) is "Cookie Recipes"

Please add your favorite cookie recipes to my theme today, as much as you like--there cannot be too many cookies in the TL😍 💛

I tag @99reasons4truth for Day 3 and ask that her theme be "Pretty Lights"

also adding for future reference 🍪



my grandmother's shortbread right now!!!!!

1 ½ cups flour

½ tsp salt

½ cup corn starch

1 cup butter

½ cup sugar

Sift flour, salt, cornstarch together twice then work in sugar, then butter continually kneading and working until the dough is fine and smooth. Press in 9 inch square pan and bake at 350° for half to ¾ hours.

@Kurtroedeger @Minholkin I got the recipe from my sisters mother in law 50 years ago for Nutmeg cookie logs

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