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Well, so much for coffee and fanfic. *twitchs* AO3 is down.
*sighs* At least I have coffee.

People use the same argument for Musk as they did for Trump. "at least he says what's on his mind".

Being transparent about being ignorant, inept, bigoted, etc. is still being all of those things.

There are no ads.
There are no bots.
There are no trolls.
There is no abuse.
You are not manipulated.
You are not exploited.
You are not for sale.

This is what social media should be. There's nothing like it anywhere.

Goddamn Joe Biden's economy!
-- White Guys hauling a $100,000 boat behind a $70,000 truck on their way to blow up $2000 worth of fireworks on a 4 day weekend of drinking light beer and eating thousands of calories of hot wings, steak, and pulled pork.

NBC News: โ€œAt least two people were killed and dozens injured in a mass shooting in Baltimore in the early hours of Sunday, officials said.โ€œ
Iโ€™ve lost count. I wonder whatโ€™s responsible for this one. We know itโ€™s not the gun. The NRA says so.

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Gabriel's Jedi(she/her)

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.