
A friend died yesterday. He'd been gone for a couple of years from my POV though. Trumper, COVID denier, Qanon. All the things. He made choices, and I can't consider him a complete victim. But I feel two things: regret at what should have been, and rage at the assholes whose freely spread poison took root in a vulnerable person. I will never forget, nor forgive.

I am so sorry for your loss, and especially for the decline you saw in your friend.


So very sorry you lost your friend. I’ve been struggling internally about sending holidays cards to MAGA siblings. Fortunately, my higher self prevailed. Cards went out today.

Lack of forgiveness harms me not them.

I have a former friend who went full Trump & antivax, too. I think about reaching out & then I think about how he has chosen the side that would kill off people dear to me if they could. I doubt I could change his mind anymore than he could change mine. So I do nothing but check his Twitter account once in a while to see if there's any change.

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