The Intercept -
A bipartisan majority in the House is pressing ahead with a terrifying bill that would give the Trump administration unilateral authority to strip the nonprofit status of any organization that criticizes or questions him, including The Intercept. 52 House Democrats voted for it.
Once that happens, the group wouldn’t be able to collect donations, pay staff, or get banking services. The administration could simply issue a notice, and the organization would be shut down.
@Zevon But it failed to pass. Shoot the fucking 52
@JV3MJD I'm gobsmacked
@JV3MJD What is wrong with 52 Democrats?
@JV3MJD It failed in the House on Thursday.
@JV3MJD I read The Intercept's article on this and there was no mention of presidential criticism being a factor. An organization would have to be found to have provided material support to a designated terrorist group. It should be noted that criticism of the president is completely protected under the 1A so if this were true, it wouldn't withstand constitutional scrutiny, even with this SCOTUS.
@JV3MJD wtaf "52 House Democrats voted for it."