Griswold whacked Lyon with his cane; Lyon promptly grabbed a pair of fireplace tongs and whacked back. Somewhere in there Lyon launched a spitwad of tobacco at Griswold. Good times, man, good times.
Not long afterwards, an argument that started with insults & harsh words thrown by Reps. Galusha Grow & Lawrence Branch turned into a flat-out rumble on the chamber floor, with a number of representatives joining in with fervor.
Anyway, the Compromise of 1850 got people so het up that Mississippi Sen. Henry Foote drew his gun on Missouri Sen. Hart Benton. He was promptly tackled, subdued & disarmed, but not before Benton showed off his enormous, clanking steel balls by demanding others stand aside and "let the assassin fire!"
If the link has any ?something=thing&somethingelse=otherthing part to it, and you need that part for the link to work, you may need to add /nosanitize to the post. That info geta stripped out otherwise because it often contains tracking information.
@misterfive Oh right on, thank you. Where do I add the nosanitize bit? In the link somewhere, or in the post?
In the post. Best on its own line. I think most people put it right after the link.
(I may have the wrong.slash, I haven't used it in a while, but flip it if tht one doesn't work)
@misterfive Awesome, I'll try that!
Now we do "Sanitize" the outbound links here to remove all tracking information. If your link has no tracking info, but has a "?" in the middle, you can override the Sanitizer, by adding
"/nosanitize" anywhere in the post.
(YouTube is exempt)
@Impious_Jade And the war continues to this day.
Then there was the time pro-slavery SC Rep. Preston Brooks marched onto the Senate floor to wail on anti-slavery MS Sen. Charles "Slavery's a Harlot" Sumner with his cane, beating him into unconsciousness. Brooks was eventually censured & left Congress, but not before countless Southerners showed him their support by sending him more canes. Sumner recovered & served another 18 years in Congress.