Just the name "Conservative Ladies of Washington" cracks me up. Doesn't anyone else remember "Ladies Against Women"?
They had a choice--they could have gone with "Conservative Women of Washington," "CWOW" for short. "See-wow," I like it, makes me want to join right there. But they went for "CLOW." "See-low"? Boring.
At least they didn't choose Conservative Citizens of Washington. That would have been "Sea-Cow."
Washington State, like others, is considering phasing out diesel school buses and replacing them with zero-emission buses. Diesels emit greenhouse gases, nitrogen compounds, particulates, bad for the planet and kids. Electrics are clean and cheaper in the long run. Who could be against that?
Conservative Ladies of Washington!
Why? Probably because the Dems are for it--what anthropologists call "schismogenesis," doing something different from the other guys just to show you're not them.
Gun Control, Suicide Prevention Show more
Buying an EV just got more affordable
The clean vehicle tax credit, which offers up to $7,500 toward a new electric, hydrogen, or plug-in hybrid vehicle, and up to $4,000 for a used one, is now available as an instant rebate at approved dealers.
@Alfred Can you write a limerick about haggis?
oh boy, a farewell to the great Tom Smothers you may RIP
Texans (poor and middle class) actually pay more in taxes than Californians in the same income bracket. High income earners are the only ones that pay less taxes. Do not let the politicians tell you otherwise. #taxes #politics #texas #California https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/texans-pay-more-taxes-than-californians-17400644.php
Grew up in Cupertino before Apple, lived in Berkeley, now retired in South Puget Sound. He/him.
The mind that is not baffled is not employed.
-- Wendell Berry