
And people wonder what I have against some "followers of Jesus"... ๐Ÿ™„

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Gee, I can't imagine why the *slaves* didn't march on Washington.

And it was totally humility that brought about the end of slavery.

What a stinking pile of crap. The twisting of everything to fit your belief. Unreal!

@John_Ripley he is the father of Anna Dugger who is married to the sex pest Josh Dugger. They were from the tlc show 19 kids and counting. The duggers are a big name in the IBLP. See the new Amazon docuseries Shiny Happy People. @Heucuva8

Just to let you know, that man is Mike Keller, Anna Duggar's father. I recommend EVERYONE watch the brand new documentary, Shiny Happy People.
It documents the plots of the Institute for Basic Life Principles (Bill Gothard's brainfart).

They've been plotting to breed an army, put them in positions of political power, to shape legislation, to reflect their twisted, FUCKED lifestyle of misogyny, racism, and oppression.

These people are


Let me know what you think once you watch it. It's like 4 episodes. I absolutely hate the whole thing, and all of the IBLP.


This part I have a bigger problem with.

"According to court records obtained by Cedar Rapids-based CBS affiliate KGAN, Marvin Smith IV, the Harvest Baptist Churchโ€™s current pastor, argued for bond last year by writing that Webb is a โ€œgreat citizen,โ€ and a โ€œgreat man in the community,โ€ who would not pose a flight risk. The state disputed that characterization by pointing out that the defendant had searched for how to obtain a second passport just weeks earlier.



I agree. I find these "pillars of community" have really become problematic as of late; for all the talk about drag queens and groomers and such, the "holy men" were getting a pass because they were seen as beyond reproach. But over the last few weeks, I have seen clergyman after clergyman arrested and charged with molestation and other deviational behaviours. Reminds me of being catholic as a young boy. I wasn't molested by them, but boy, I knew some who were.

The Southern Baptist Convention released a list in 2022 of the pastors in their ranks who had been credibly accused of molestation.

The report was 205 PAGES. Not 205 people, 205 PAGES OF NAMES.


@Heucuva8 @XaoslordErie and I've personally met at least 4 on that list and know of at least a dozen more that need added to the list.


I have no doubt! I don't know any personally anymore, but seeing them in the news continually isn't good.

What I want to know now is, who's gonna step up to help out the children? It's not enough to just toss offenders in the hoosegow.

@XaoslordErie @Mrs_Bones The way the Boy Scouts of America suit has been handled by the judge was a good example of what can be done to hold institutions accountable. Many are adults with cases and trauma going back to before the Vietnam war. Even churches with scout groups are on the hook. There is also a requirement to hear the impact on victims as well as the financial implications.

@ChrisPierson @XaoslordErie when the standard practice is for the churches to blame the victim and make them stand in front of the congregation and apologize for causing the man to sin I don't see how the scout case would work

@Mrs_Bones @XaoslordErie Believe me, I'm fully aware. I can't go into detail here but I know places where that's happened and where women have been told to stay in abusive relationships and blamed when they do not.

@ChrisPierson @Mrs_Bones

No doubt! I had a scary situation many years ago when I worked as a GTE long distance operator, and a woman called to try to get the numbers of some shelters in Cleveland because she was trying to escape a badly abusive BF situation. I never heard from her after that, so I have no idea if she was able to get help or not.



Yup, the SBC has always had a problem with minors and molestation, at least going back to 1975 that I know of personally, and possibly longer ago than that. "Youth pastors" were a big deal in that regard. I got away from the SBC not so much because of that but because I got tired of constantly being told why I was going to hell.

That sounds like a very good question that you should ask by calling/writing to the SBC:


@DavidKMresists @XaoslordErie

@DavidKMresists @Heucuva8 @XaoslordErie The same way people like DeathSantis and Rump are still Republicans, too many of the rank and file are also involved in the same criminal activities or wish they were.

@Heucuva8 Someone needs to point out to this idiot that African Americans are still being killed now, even when there are supposedly laws to protect them. So why TF would they have protested 150 or 200 years ago when there were none, and they were viewed as a white mans' property that could be dealt with any way their "owner" saw fit? They weren't "humbling" themselves by helping white people, they were trying to survive ya stupid asshole (in the video). ๐Ÿ™„

@ChillySnowgirl @Heucuva8 I just want to slug that ignorant, smug, self righteous fat fuck so bad!

@Heucuva8 Someone needs to lance this boil on Americaโ€™s racist ass. My god, like enslaved people have the agency to organize a march.

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