And people wonder what I have against some "followers of Jesus"... πŸ™„

This part I have a bigger problem with.

"According to court records obtained by Cedar Rapids-based CBS affiliate KGAN, Marvin Smith IV, the Harvest Baptist Church’s current pastor, argued for bond last year by writing that Webb is a β€œgreat citizen,” and a β€œgreat man in the community,” who would not pose a flight risk. The state disputed that characterization by pointing out that the defendant had searched for how to obtain a second passport just weeks earlier.



I agree. I find these "pillars of community" have really become problematic as of late; for all the talk about drag queens and groomers and such, the "holy men" were getting a pass because they were seen as beyond reproach. But over the last few weeks, I have seen clergyman after clergyman arrested and charged with molestation and other deviational behaviours. Reminds me of being catholic as a young boy. I wasn't molested by them, but boy, I knew some who were.

The Southern Baptist Convention released a list in 2022 of the pastors in their ranks who had been credibly accused of molestation.

The report was 205 PAGES. Not 205 people, 205 PAGES OF NAMES.



That sounds like a very good question that you should ask by calling/writing to the SBC:


@DavidKMresists @XaoslordErie

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