I found these books, and their audiobook versions, to be jaw-droppingly good. I feel obligated to share, as they are utterly brilliant.

The Murderbot series by Martha Welles (audiobook version: dramatized full cast by Graphic Audio)

The Dungeon Crawler Carl series by Matt Dinniman (audiobook version: Jeff Hayes)

Kitty Cat Kill Sat by Argus (audiobook version: Eva Kaminsky)

A blessed and sacred Summer Solstice, Litha, and Midsommar to all celebrating!

It's baby season! (Annual reminder: if you see a raccoon out in daylight, odds are it's a momma foraging. Raccoons aren't truly nocturnal. )

Now onto the burek!

Step one complete. Meat cooked, seasoned, and cooling off. (This is going to be so tasty!)

The classic baklava is complete! Now the hardest part - letting it settle for 6 hours before eating.

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Hetti Von Grell

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