Am I and super spouse making two types of baklava and one type of burek right now?
Yes we are.
Here are the recipes we're sort of following:
Baklava, traditional:
Baklava, berry chocolate, no-nuts version:
It's true. Gen-X is the feral generation. 😆
Dyson Spheres? Two Studies Find Dozens of Stars With Bizarre Emissions
@sentientdessert they're pretty awesome. I'd highly recommend to get the kind with front and back wands (with the ability change position), plenty of customization options (temperature, spray intensity, spray width), seat warming, and controlled by a remote.
Portuguese knitting is brilliant! I highly recommend the method if you hate purling and/or have hand pain while using English or Continental:
Fan of Democracy. Believer in the power of information. Online since ASU connected to ARPAnet. Lover of all fiber-arts: needlepoint, knitting, weaving, coding.