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I'm a lazy ol' Dragon this morn. Waiting on a ride. Frustrating; hurts body getting in/out of vehicles. Bus is too much for my immune system. Closed in cars aren't a great option, but necessary to get certain meds & necessities. Miss my scooter & doing stuff myself 😢 Trying to get mine fixed or get something else, but no luck/help yet. I could have been gone & back by now! Ugh! Anyone here have a used step through ebike or seated e-scooter you'd take low monthly payments on?? Fixed income🫤

Humans are social animals. Cooperation lets social animals combine aptitudes and labor.

Cooperative behavior lets social animals both specialize _and_ diversify: An individual can focus on doing one sort of work very well, and encouraging diversity strengthens the social group, by providing access to different strategies and strengths. Tolerance allows systems to operate under a wider array of conditions and changes. Diversity and tolerance are powerful survival strategies.

I've reached the "piddling around" part of the day, when it's too late to start something productive and too early to go to bed.

"A study of myth suggests that the stories we human beings tell ourselves about who we are make us who we are."

If ya thought me nutty before! Even more so now; I both know who I am & don't know who I am!🤷🏽‍♀️🤣

🤔Anyone ever do regression hypnosis? I truly believe the bits in my head would become a complete picture. Not talking about therapy, just a hypnosis or two to hone in on memories.

I know her & my names. Can't seem to find out anything from birth to @6yrs old. It's as if neither of us existed.

To know zero about who your are except your name is... frustrating. I've been obsessing over it🥴

In for a long search. If I could find that 1 missing link, a living relative, to  know the history, it'd satisfy me; more curious of whole story than meeting the actors. Never need to connect. Just gotta know background; my bro told me I was traumatized no one wanted me to remember & that I spoke only Spanish when he met me & I was Puerto Rican. That's more than anyone has ever told me, & all he knows. ONLY Spanish?!😮 I love that part. I think Mom part possibly was Italian (from some clues)

Not mad & not happy either. Feel loyalty yet disappointment no one answered me; flashbacks, I've asked about point blank throughout my life & only received a "What are you talking about?!" as reply.

Told "Leave it alone, you're fam" & although I am Blessed with them, they don't understand. My kids need their medical history; their father died Huntington's & want to know my stuff. They also knew years ago that the questions consume me & vowed to help one day(records were sealed at time).

I've always known my real name. Weird to not remember things about childhood, & spend my entire life always knowing it, my birth name, while people denied it, telling me I was wrong and imagined things. I remember someone forcing me to write it over & over & telling me to never forget it when I left. I never did. I thought I was going to school. I was to never see them again; their faces & names a blur, yet clearly remembering the urgency & importance of remembering that, if nothing else

Hi! Aye aye aye; we've opened a can o'mysteries; my Pandora's Box I hinted at
Unsolved mysteries. Multiple ones. Some have closure, others may never.

I'm more of a "Dragon" now than ever. Knowledge is power, & I don't have a lot of either right now, but, I've gotta find enough to fill in some blanks; the micro-flashbacks, the seemingly odd & random thoughts, memories, places, &, names that quickly fade away as if my imagination. In the last few days, I've pieced together some

Our assigned voting place is literally a couple of small blocks away, within walking or 1 minute driving distance. If we vote early, we have to go to places way across town.

We'll wait

There are a lot of special women in my life, but Betty Crocker takes the cake.

Anosmia Awareness Day:

is observed on February 27 every year. It is a day to spread awareness about anosmia, which is the loss of the sense of smell, or as some people call it, nose blind.

Good morning, CoSo!

It's not necessary that everything you say please everyone all the time. But that doesn't mean that you should go out of your way to make people upset.

A thing is worth saying when it's true, has a point to it, and people are better off hearing it than not. That doesn't necessarily mean that they'll like it; but if you intend some benefit by it, you always have to consider whether people's dislike of what they're hearing will keep them from getting any use out of it.

G'Morn! ☕ & YT & imaginin @th3j35t3r sayin this to us; it's the overall vibe of CoSo. When nothing was right in the social world, he was determined to make a site for us. A place to bond together, share ourselves, openly, freely, w/o judgement, w/o the feelings outside places can make us feel. No hate allowed. Love, kindness, &, respect flows here❤️

In my feelings this morn; here's where I felt like being. No big probs, just wanna be here

Thank ya J!

Love makes you do strange things. Like cooking sausage when that's the last thing ya wanna eat or do!

Wifey duties always getting in my way. He's lucky it's not a bread & butter kind of night.🤣

The backstory to the 40-year saga of my controversial 2nd LP and its reissue is complex, traumatic, and ultimately, triumphant. The liner notes that tell the story are included in the reissue package. Here, I wanted to share a bit of the package liner notes that document it all. Check out the album. Link in bio.

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Confused Dragon 👵🏽

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.