@LnzyHou At least someone does. 😜
@bfgreen I'll take two. Do you deliver? 😜
@AskTheDevil I’ve been with the company for over 15 years (through three sales managers) and am on the same level (we’re both department heads). Plus the GM sided with me on this one.
Had a sales manager try to throw me under the bus in a staff meeting today because they got bitched out by a client. Unfortunately for the sales manager, I keep all emails and was able to show clearly that I did exactly what the client wanted.
Never try to throw someone under the bus who keeps receipts. Just saying.
Question of the Day: If you could hire out one household chore what would it be?
@AngryCanadianGamer That's a good shade for your skin color.
@LnzyHou @CinnamonGirlE Sassy always works. Just ask my wife: the Queen of Sass. 😜
@LnzyHou @CinnamonGirlE Nice and sassy frames. 😎
@Lucky188 Goldfish are fine for breakfast, as long as we are talking about the crackers and not actual fish.
The wife has "Ballroom Blitz" cranked up in the bathroom. She has excellent taste in music. 😎
After a relaxing holiday weekend, I’m back at work (relatively speaking). Unsure yet how I feel about this.
@Finkle Are you saying all turtles look alike? 😮
@S_r_stone That place always seemed a bit boring to me. Elves are a bit aloof. I bet they don't even have decent WiFi there.
Managing editor of The Chattanooga Pulse website, best-selling SF/F editor, traffic reporter, sometime musician, kitten wrangler, lover of tropical shirts.