After consulting the tea leaves, a crystal ball, and a cross-check with my Quija board, here's my prediction for the #election results:
(Note: I misdid my earlier map, so here's the corrected version)
Create your own map at
So apparently today is some sort of important day... which is why I'm already on my second cup of coffee.
"So what are you plans this morning?"
"Drink coffee."
"No, we mean after that."
"Umm... drink more coffee?"
Maybe Einstein wasn't actually thinking about physics but was just needing some coffee.
Happy Halloween, Cosonauts!
Yes, I will be wearing something fun today. 😎
But first... coffee!
I'm trying to stay positive.
I'm positive if I don't get my morning coffee, that "positivity" will be the least of my concerns.
I made the mistake of reading the news *before* having my first cup of coffee this morning.
How early can one add alcohol to coffee before people start thinking you have a problem?
Um... asking for a friend.
Managing editor of The Chattanooga Pulse website, best-selling SF/F editor, traffic reporter, sometime musician, kitten wrangler, lover of tropical shirts.