I don't mind a soft-shell taco, but I've always preferred a nice crunch with my tacos, so hard shell it is.
@MidnightRider Just lay out a tortilla underneath your tacos while eating them. Then, when you're done, roll up everything that fell out of the tacos and have a nice burrito "dessert".
@GaryPoole Hi everyone, Mike Lindell back with another great Egyptian cotton hybrid, it's "my edible tablecloth". Field tested and approved by ten out of ten collies.
Filing this in my 'NO NEED FOR NAPKINS' drawer
@Madken65 @GaryPoole Mike Lindell, I just read a coso post and now I'm proud to be announcing the release of my sleevies. Washable lower arm napkins and Kleenex you'll never forget to pack again.
@GaryPoole I'm with you on this but the line between good crunch and filling in your palms is a delicate trickster.