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£90m was an awful lot to put a roof on Centre Court. But the club felt it was a small price to pay to put an end to Cliff Richard's singing when rain stopped play.

An apology isn't really an apology if it contains the word "if".
When they can genuinely repeat it while changing "if" to "that", then that is an apology.

Yet another misleading science media report, well debunked in this assessment.
News Flash: Has a New Axial Higgs Boson (Possibly Dark Matter) Been Discovered? via @MattStrassler

OK, Peaky Blinders, I give up. I've tried on several occasions over the years to get into it but it's just too slow and laboured. Sorry.

Many thanks for all your helpful responses to this. I'll experiment with the filters as suggested.

Is there any way to filter out music video clips from the stream? CS is rapidly becoming not much more than a text-based MTV.

Fredsie boosted

Charles Manson was not present at murder scenes and did not commit actual murders, but found guilty because of his influence over his followers. How’s that any different from Tucker Carlson, who heavily influenced the Buffalo Shooter, with his replacement theory?


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