@nevikjames Classical migraine aura. They typically present as a small "hole" (scotoma) at the centre of vision, making reading difficult, then widen into scintillating coloured zigzags. These normally retreat to the periphery in about 25 minutes. Thought to be a kind of electrical storm of random neuron firing which progresses in a wave across the visual cortex of the brain.

@DarksideStraxus The US isn't a person, it doesn't "value" anything. Only individuals do that, and in the US, some value democracy and others don't. How does it help to anthropomorphise?

Fredsie boosted

We lost Nancy Pelosi for this shit.

Fucking hell.

Fredsie boosted

In a few minutes this shooter matched gun deaths in Japan over last 3 years

If Japanese people want to own a gun, they must attend an all-day class, pass a written test, and achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test. Then they have to pass a mental-health evaluation at a hospital


@kel And you'll be woken three times in the night by drunk neighbours kicking it.

@DarksideStraxus Though they do get to be pissed off by all the bugs that don't get fixed for the first 6 weeks.

said hell is other people. That's a bit excessive; hell is actually other people driving in supermarket car parks.

@tiptoeing Hi there! Seems kinda quiet here this morning, don't you think?

Gotta hand it to the IBM sales team here, achieving peak buzzword density while saying nothing meaningful.

Special crossover edition of Bargain Hunt today. Is this a genuine antique Bernard Rooke vase, or Is It Cake?

@DarksideStraxus Heard this a lot in the last year, and it would be fine. But somehow it doesn't actually happen.

@ToruOkada Ah yes, trick question, there is of course no difference. And don't you love it when an expert opinion - legal, scientific, or whatever - is dismissed by a politician on the grounds that they just "fundamentally disagree"?

Buying a dog from a breed ending in *poo is just asking for trouble.

@DarksideStraxus And not a profit amongst them for the" Artist of the Deal".

@DarksideStraxus ... on one of the few nights we would otherwise get an extended sleep.

It's not good when there are two Popes around at the same time, because Infallibility. They have to continually check each other's every sentence, lest they keep changing The Truth for us all.

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