
Is there any way to filter out music video clips from the stream? CS is rapidly becoming not much more than a text-based MTV.

Many thanks for all your helpful responses to this. I'll experiment with the filters as suggested.

@Fredsie try copying and pasting the part of the web address to your filters...or set all media to be marked as sensitive in your settings. That way, you'll see the text but not the media and know if it's going to be a music video. Hope that helps!

Sorry, lots of music fans here who really need it to escape due to neurodiversity

@Fredsie In your settings somewhere perhaps you can set it to block hashtag cosomusic.


Since the majority of the videos are labeled with , you can set up a filter (link under the far right column, the global time-line) to omit all posts/ notices of the info you specify. That should cut the number you see by about 80 to 90% or more.

It's a little weird for someone with a handful of posts to talk about what CoSo is "quickly becoming", but you have the tools to fix it to your liking. Check out the user manual and search for

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