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I watch an enormous number of low-budget films each year and I'm extremely forgiving. But there are limits. The Wizard of Mars is still better than Bad Teacher. But it's hard to get through.

Cyborg 2087 is an anti-communist science fiction film from 1966 starring Michael Rennie. Sounds better than it is. It's fine. But pretty boring...

@BenA That scene must have had people howling in the theaters!

I finally watched Porky's (1981). I can't say I especially enjoyed it but I'm not in its target audience. It works on its own terms and is a wonderfully made film.

I just watched Porky's (1981) for the first time. Now I know how the guy who made it also made A Christmas Story (1983). For all the sex, they are really similar

@MrsSpear Sad loss. I had wondered about him after seeing him in The Full Monty TV series looking thin and frail. I loved his work although he didn't get the variety of roles he deserved. This scene from Michael Clayton is an example of him playing a very complicated character. And you see it all in this one scene...

It's a minority opinion, but Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things (1972) just might be Bob Clark's best film. I love it!

Before he made Porky's and A Christmas Story, Bob Clark made a handful of excellent horror films including the genre-establishing Black Christmas.

One of his best-reviewed films was Deathdream -- a Vietnam War take on "The Monkey's Paw." Here's my take on it. Next up is "Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things."

I have mixed feelings about Samurai Cop (1991) but overall I'm impressed when anyone can make a passable film with virtually no money -- especially shooting on film.

I just discovered Samurai Cop (1991). Truly amazing if the $7,000 budget is to be believed. It's shockingly good even though silly in the extreme. It's worth watching just for the wig!

Alex Thompson at Axios writes, "One person close to the president unflatteringly compared [Merrick] Garland to the former FBI director James Comey, claiming they both have been obsessed with the appearance of having integrity rather than just trying to make the right decision." That about sums it up.

@ProjectShadow I've never had to deal with rats in large numbers -- thank God! Mice, on the other hand, I've had many experiences with. It's like being at war! And I'm very pro-rodent. But you really can't live with them...

@ProjectShadow That's probably true in the city. My experience is in a rural area. I actually knew the rat -- it was the female of a mating pair that lived about 30 yards away from the house. But most definitely about avoiding a fight. I actually find mice far more reckless. But I'm also far less worried about them! Except, of course, for all the damage the little buggers do!

@ProjectShadow I've had both a possum and a rat in my home. I managed to get rid of both. But without tackling them! They really do want to leave. So if you can just find a way to make it easy, you're fine. (Mice, in my experience, have found a good thing and need to be trapped!)

A woman found a possum in her Christmas tree. She eventually caught it and called animal control. She said it "wasn’t mean or aggressive." This is true. Unlike raccoons (which are horrible), possums are very nice (although they will growl at you but it's just for show). Regardless: DON'T DO THIS! They are wild animals! Get professionals to do it. Living with a possum in your home for a day is much better and far safer!

Remember to respect the Washington Post Guild walkout today

The Washington Post Guild: "On Dec. 7, we ask you to respect our walkout by not crossing the picket line: For 24 hours, please do not engage with any Post content. That includes our print + online news stories, podcasts, videos, games and recipes."

I *do* read WP every day but I will respect this

If you are a Lee Van Cleef fan, you should like Sabato (1969). He plays pretty much the same character as he did in For a Few Dollars More. He's great as a villain but I most enjoy him when he's playing a (mostly) good guy. Also William Berger plays Banjo, a guy who has a rifle connected to his banjo. It's brilliantly silly!

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Frank Moraes

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