
A woman found a possum in her Christmas tree. She eventually caught it and called animal control. She said it "wasn’t mean or aggressive." This is true. Unlike raccoons (which are horrible), possums are very nice (although they will growl at you but it's just for show). Regardless: DON'T DO THIS! They are wild animals! Get professionals to do it. Living with a possum in your home for a day is much better and far safer!

@FranklyCurious She got lucky as hell, as it could've easily bitten her, and probably should have.

That said, depending on the time of day, I would've picked up a trap and baited it. Put something under the trap so when it shits and pisses, it doesn't get on the floor.

@ProjectShadow I've had both a possum and a rat in my home. I managed to get rid of both. But without tackling them! They really do want to leave. So if you can just find a way to make it easy, you're fine. (Mice, in my experience, have found a good thing and need to be trapped!)

@FranklyCurious In my experience rats don't want to leave. Never had a possum in the house, so I can't say anything to that. I do know they are peaceful and would rather avoid a fight.

@ProjectShadow That's probably true in the city. My experience is in a rural area. I actually knew the rat -- it was the female of a mating pair that lived about 30 yards away from the house. But most definitely about avoiding a fight. I actually find mice far more reckless. But I'm also far less worried about them! Except, of course, for all the damage the little buggers do!

@FranklyCurious Mice are naturally more curious too, so they're more apt to get into shit; rats, not so much. However, my grandmother a couple years ago had a sudden infestation of them that took me a month to eradicate through a combination of rat poison and air rifle fire ( I'd see them outside and gun them down ). Bastards were definitely entrenched in a short time.

@ProjectShadow I've never had to deal with rats in large numbers -- thank God! Mice, on the other hand, I've had many experiences with. It's like being at war! And I'm very pro-rodent. But you really can't live with them...

@FranklyCurious You're certainly lucky, though I think it was the couple infestations of mice that caused more damage because they're more daring and LOVE to chew shit.

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