This is funny if you are used to the Vox "X Winners and Y Losers" articles.

My cousin got this shot of the eclipse this foggy morning in northern California.

Fox News had to put "Democratic" in the headline so its readers would know they should care

I just remembered this great Tom Tomorrow cartoon from the 1990s about the phrase, "An armed society is a polite society."

I was walking around the Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery this morning and I came upon a grave marker of a couple with only one death date. So I looked it up.

On June 23, 1921, a cousin who also worked as a hired hand for Virginia and Robert Mills got into a quarrel over the size of a wood pile. He shot both of them in the back and then killed himself. "[A] neighbor stopped by the house and discovered the grisly scene and rescued the Mills' 2-year-old son and 4-month-old daughter."

I love cemeteries!

This is from a click-bait article about how AI pictures couples in every state. I refuse to click. But I love this Arkansas couple in the ad. They remind me of the hot dog couple from The Happening (played by Frank Collison and Victoria Clark), "You know hot dogs get a bad rap! They got a cool shape, they got protein. You like hot dogs, right?" They are the best thing in the movie. I've never had such a high opinion of Arkansas before!

This is interesting. Republicans' opinions on the state of the economy are almost entirely based on the answer to the question, "Is a Republican in the White House?" There is some partisan effect of Democrats' opinions but it is mostly driven by the actual state of the economy. How do you change opinions when half the nation is 90% resistent to fact?

This is a shot from Creepshow (1982) that's only on the screen for a second or two. It's probably in the comic book. It's pretty funny...

A handicapper friend sent me this from a sportsbook. There are 4 ways to bet on Donald Trump's legal future. Interesting that there is much more money on Trump to fail in the docs case than the hush money case (makes sense). I'm not a betting man, but the other two bets seem like easy money betting against Trump.

Twitter is still good for some things (at least for a bit)...

Ronald Klain said of this headline, "It's almost self-parody at this point." I think that's true if you remove the word "almost."

I don't mean to bring up an unpleasant subject, but I just saw this and thought it was very funny.

Frank Moraes

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