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"It's a Wonderful Knife" is a great title for a film. Seems like it is made for 15-year-olds but it's rated R. Well made film but with a very weak script -- too much exposition. But overall, it's enjoyable enough.

After years of hearing about it, I finally watched The Green Berets. It's odd because I have a certain fondness for Ray Kellogg. But that was offset by my general dislike of John Wayne. The politics of the film are terrible. But what I found more interesting is just how boring it is -- apart from an impressive nighttime battle scene. Lots of talking and speeches. And it's well over 2 hours long!

@holon42 Really?! Isn't that supposed to a Boston show? Wow!

@holon42 I think this is absolutely it, although I'd say it's more star-struck. They never get excited about technological innovators. The only time they get excited is for someone has made a lot of money -- supposedly from technology.

When criticizing Elon Musk, many people flex with how they "used to be a fan." This doesn't really work for me. It was *obvious from the beginning* that he a con man and a vicious industrialist. I really don't understand why people are such easy marks for people like him.

@AskTheDevil Great comparison! I do get the impression that Maher desperately wants to be considered part of the all-but-dead IDW

@ReneeVoiceBrand LOL! But I'm a big far of LF Lawton and he used Maher's acting talent (such as it is) to great effect in "Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death" and "Pizza Man."

I stopped watching Bill Maher years ago. But last night's guests are really mask-off: Ted Cruz, Pamela Paul, and Jordan Peterson. It shows that Maher sees himself as a kind of intellectual without the general knowledge or self-awareness to see the truth.

Let me take that back a bit. As we see in "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" it is normal to make Jane look anemic because that is what we are expected to see as beautiful, I guess. In most filmed versions, Elizabeth is brunette and Jane blond. It's shocking, actually. Thoughless filmmaking.

In "Pride and Prejudice" it is Jane who is supposed to be the most beautiful of the daughters. It's important to the plot. But since Elizabeth is the main character, filmed versions always make her the most beautiful even as they try to cover it with filters and lighting of Jane.

I thought the book "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" was tedious but at least clever. I'm 5 minutes into the film and about to gouge out my eyes.

This is funny if you are used to the Vox "X Winners and Y Losers" articles.

It's Michael Dukakis' 90th birthday today! His was the first presidential campaign I ever worked on. Although I was originally supporting Joe Biden.

LOL! Seriously, because I'm a big fan of the Roger Corman Poe series. But you are right! It is silly! Although I am quite serious about death not being anything close to the worst thing we humans face.

I just searched for "What to do if you are buried alive in a coffin?" People have a lot of advice! My advice: relax; try to sleep; you're screwed but death is nowhere close to the worse thing that could happen to you. Spend the rest of your life thinking, "At least I'm not on fire!"

@Coctaanatis And Anthem is *so* bad! But it is filled with the kind of "arguments" I hear from conservatives today. "I invented the light bulb but they hated it because of socialism!" Her books (and play!) are so pathetic!

"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year-old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs." -John Rogers

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Frank Moraes

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