
When criticizing Elon Musk, many people flex with how they "used to be a fan." This doesn't really work for me. It was *obvious from the beginning* that he a con man and a vicious industrialist. I really don't understand why people are such easy marks for people like him.


I’m an engineer. When he flexed that LIDAR was bad tech I realized he was an idiot.

@holon42 I think this is absolutely it, although I'd say it's more star-struck. They never get excited about technological innovators. The only time they get excited is for someone has made a lot of money -- supposedly from technology.


yes, people seem to need to adore from afar.

tfg used to get that kind of attention. i recall some old Cheers episodes that made reference to him.

@holon42 Really?! Isn't that supposed to a Boston show? Wow!


yes, but there were a couple episodes he was touted as a rich hunk by one woman whose name escapes me right now.

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