If I do the math right, 180,000 homeless in CA. Newsom has 24 billion to deal with the problem.
$50k/person =$ 9B. $50k is a commonly cited # for per person homeless costs to local/state for services, medical, law enforcement, etc.
Housing 180k persons for 3yrs, I'm pretty sure cuts your problem way down.
Newsom’s office touts that it’s dedicated $24 billion to addressing the housing crisis and “helped lift more than 165,000 people out of homelessness and into interim or permanent housing.”
Both your numbers are much larger than what I'm familiar with, but that doesn't negate your conclusion. Thank you.
Canada. Where at least healthcare is covered for all.
@FireMonkey yes, but we still know how much a homeless person costs b/c it's taxpayer covered.
so they often don't have preventative care (no family doc, no regular check ups). they are often assaulted, or may overdose b/c they have no where safe to take their drugs.
er visits are the most costly of beds in hospital. they have to have lots of tests (b/c no medical history & often can't say much about their med history). i think they have an avg of 3 or 5 visits to the er each year. it adds up.
"yes, but we still know how much a homeless person costs b/c it's taxpayer covered."
And that number is a million Canadian a year per homeless person?
That is like 20:1 costs that I have understood the common cost per person here.
as i said, these are #'s based on alberta data.
- avg days of er care for a homeless person = ~16 days/per
- avg cost for er care in ab per day = ~$9k/day
- 15 x 9 = $144k for health care alone.
now add, police/fire services, homeless shelters & other social programs, food, encampment clean up, etc. it adds up fast.
vs fixed costs of rent & wraparound supports which can be calculated by city.
@FireMonkey maybe that's only good in edm/cal. vancouver & toronto may cost more.
@FireMonkey keep in mind i'm in canada.