If I do the math right, 180,000 homeless in CA. Newsom has 24 billion to deal with the problem.
$50k/person =$ 9B. $50k is a commonly cited # for per person homeless costs to local/state for services, medical, law enforcement, etc.
Housing 180k persons for 3yrs, I'm pretty sure cuts your problem way down.
Newsom’s office touts that it’s dedicated $24 billion to addressing the housing crisis and “helped lift more than 165,000 people out of homelessness and into interim or permanent housing.”
@FireMonkey i am not very good at math.
but every time someone explains the cost of homelessness - health care, emergency services, cleaning up encampments, providing shelters, soup kitchens, etc. the cost per person easily tips ~1 mill/year.
then they talk about the costs of rental accommodation & supports for a year, it's about $100k/per person.
even tho i'm not good at math, even i can see it makes sense to house & support peeps rather than leaving them homeless. 🙄
Both your numbers are much larger than what I'm familiar with, but that doesn't negate your conclusion. Thank you.
@FireMonkey keep in mind i'm in canada.
Canada. Where at least healthcare is covered for all.
@FireMonkey yes, but we still know how much a homeless person costs b/c it's taxpayer covered.
so they often don't have preventative care (no family doc, no regular check ups). they are often assaulted, or may overdose b/c they have no where safe to take their drugs.
er visits are the most costly of beds in hospital. they have to have lots of tests (b/c no medical history & often can't say much about their med history). i think they have an avg of 3 or 5 visits to the er each year. it adds up.
"yes, but we still know how much a homeless person costs b/c it's taxpayer covered."
And that number is a million Canadian a year per homeless person?
That is like 20:1 costs that I have understood the common cost per person here.
as i said, these are #'s based on alberta data.
- avg days of er care for a homeless person = ~16 days/per
- avg cost for er care in ab per day = ~$9k/day
- 15 x 9 = $144k for health care alone.
now add, police/fire services, homeless shelters & other social programs, food, encampment clean up, etc. it adds up fast.
vs fixed costs of rent & wraparound supports which can be calculated by city.
@FireMonkey maybe that's only good in edm/cal. vancouver & toronto may cost more.
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